A mobile app that empowers users to discover, create, and connect through creative arts services within their communities.
Project Overview
As the sole designer of the START app, I conceptualized and designed an intuitive platform to connect creative artists and art enthusiasts alike. From the initial ideation phase to the final design, every aspect of START reflects my commitment to usability, aesthetics, and functionality. Through extensive research and iterative design cycles, I crafted an intuitive user experience that empowers users to search and/or provide creative art services. Each feature (account management, community forums, services, etc.) is thoughtfully designed to ease the collaboration and connection within the community.
My Role
Product Design
UI Design
UX Design
Project Timeline
2 months
Table of Contents
0.0 Launch
0.1 First Screen
0.2 Create Account
0.3 Terms of Service
0.4 Privacy Statement
0.5 Sign In
0.5.1 Password Recovery
0.5.2 Password Recovery Feedback
1.0 Home
2.0 Notifications
2.0.1 Notifications Action Sheet
3.0 Account (Collapsed)
3.1 Public Profile
3.2 Profile (Expanded)
3.3 Settings (Expanded)
3.4 Support (Expanded)
4.0 Services
4.1 Search - List View
4.1.1 Search - Map View
4.2.1 Search Overlay - Subcategories
4.2.2 Search Overlay - Filter
4.2.3 Search Overlay - Sort By
4.3 Service Provider
4.4 Request Form
5.0 Inbox
5.1 Inbox - Pending
5.1.1 Pending - Payment Details
5.2 Inbox - Upcoming
5.3 Inbox - Past
5.3.1 Inbox Message Action Sheet
UX Brief
This app development makes it easier to connect individuals in the creative arts within neighbourhoods - whether it be a student with a teacher, artists with a space, or peers looking to collaborate on projects.
Creative arts are a form of expression that involve skill, imagination, and inspiration. From drama to music to crafts, these various art forms are best developed through human interaction.
The service will primarily be designed for people, within the ages of 25 to 55, who want a source of creativity and learning community as a part of their busy lifestye. They may have children or loved ones they want to provide learning opportunities to. The service is also designed for inidivudla contributors to safely connect with learners and collaborators alike.
It will operate like an online marketplace for individuals to buy and sell creative arts services including workshops, private lessons, and studio spaces. The app will provide all users an easy way to manage their business, message each other, and a secure way to book and pay.
Consumer Insights
The target group are people who want a source of creativity and learning community
as a part of their busy lifestyle. They are:
Users who look forward to creative outlets and seek a network for in-person offerings
Have time constraints; so they need to have access to creators that are within the area
Users who seek learners based on geographic and demographic segmentation

Primary competitors will be online providers such as Skillshare, an online learning community for people who want to learn from educational videos and are only available through a paid subscription.
To ensure spread of word for the app, word of mouth in various locales would be essential, along with discounts on fees for the sellers during the initial stages of the service launch.
The service will be available through website, as well as an app that will be available for both Android and Apple devices. A key feature of this service is the aggregation of the users based on their location, interests, and skills.
START celebrates artistic expression in all its forms, empowering users to explore, create, and connect through the universal language of art.

Brand Identity
The brand's typography is clean, playful, and approachable. It combines a sans-serif font with a navigation symbol to emphasize the importance of location and community.
The wordmark encourages users to begin their creative journey with the app. The "ART" in START is in a different colour to highlight the focus of it. The black and white wordmark uses solid and outlined letters to illustrate the same.

Colour Wordmark
Black and White Wordmark
Key Colours
START's rich, deep teal green represents the depth of creativity and the natural flow of creativity and the natural flow of artistic ideas, inspiring users to tap into their inner creativity.
deep teal green
imaginative, growth
The golden yellow symbolizes the spark of inspiration. It radiates energy and positivity.
golden yellow

Finally, the slate grey magenta serves as the neutral foundation of the palette. It provides a versatile backdrop that complements the other primary colours.
User Personas
The focus of this initial stage is on the users who are searching for services. By keeping these individuals in mind throughout the development process, the START app can be tailored to meet the specific needs and preference of these users in the creative arts community.
Site Map
This site map provides a structured framework for the user who wants to search for services on the START app, organizing key features and functionalities in a user-centric manner.

* 3.5 Become a Service Provider for users who provide services, will be a focus at the next stage of development
** The 4.4 / 9.4 Request user flow can be found in the next section and further outlined in the following wireframes
4.4, 5.0, 5.1, 5.1.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.3.1
*** 6.0 / 10.0 More, which will include educational material, blogs, and a community forum, will be developed at a later stage
User Flow
This user flow outlines the request interactions and pathways within the START app, emaphsizing a flexible journey for creatives to connect, collaborate, and engage with their local creative community.

Journey Map
The user journey map for Juanita Silva provides a holistic view of their experience with the START app, highlighting key interactions, touchpoints, and serves as a valuable tool for understanding user needs, pain points, and opportunities for improvement.

0.0 Launch
0.1 First Screen
0.2 Create Account
0.3 Terms of Service
0.4 Privacy Statement
0.5 Sign In
0.5.1 Password Recovery
0.5.2 Password Recovery Feedback
1.0 Home
2.0 Notifications
2.0.1 Notifications Action Sheet
3.0 Account (Collapsed)
3.1 Public Profile
3.2 Profile (Expanded)
3.3 Settings (Expanded)
3.4 Support (Expanded)
4.0 Services
4.1 Search - List View
4.1.1 Search - Map View
4.2.1 Search Overlay - Subcategories
4.2.2 Search Overlay - Filter
4.2.3 Search Overlay - Sort By
4.3 Service Provider
4.4 Request Form
5.0 Inbox
5.1 Inbox - Pending
5.1.1 Pending - Payment Details
5.2 Inbox - Upcoming
5.3 Inbox - Past
5.3.1 Inbox Message Action Sheet
Concept Development
Card Sort
Conducting this initial card sort helped inform the organization and structure of the START app.
The number of menu items were limited for ease of navigation.
"Search for service" went through a couple of iterations ("search for artists" and "search for creators") but the rental of private studio space as a potential service became an option while ideating.
"Discover (Explore)" is an area for users to learn more about the disciplines that they're interested in, as well as discover disciplines that they may not have known of before, through information pages, blogs, and/or community forum.
"Profile" will include everything a user would need to use the app successfully.
Finally, the other category will include all other informational pages that relate to the app.

Site Map
After gathering some feedback, the card sort was developed into a rough site map.
"Search for service" from the card sort was later changed to just "Services".
"Discover (Explore)" was later changed to "More" so as to not confuse users with "Services".
An "Inbox" category was later added as a separate item due to the robust messaging function within "Profile".

User Flow
The initial user flow (Exhibit A) included the flow for both the user and the service provider.
After gathering some feedback, the focus was set on refining and opimizing the flow based on the needs of the uses (Exhibit B) rather than the service providers (to be further developed).
Exhibit B
Exhibit A